
WW2 Polish Breast Badge of Armoured Training Centre
May 25, 2023
WW2 Polish Armored Bullion Thread Eagle Cap Patch – 1PAD
May 25, 2023

WW2 Polish Patch of 1st Armoured Division “Squirrel” – BeVo


Germany 1945-1947, Cloth, 87mm x 54mm

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Polish Patch of the 1st Polish Armored Division of General Maczek, insignia was worn on the left shoulder of the uniform jacket as the symbol of the division, called “Squirrel” by British soldiers.

Patch on a khaki background. On the orange round shield, framed by a black border, a hussar helmet and hussar’s wings are inscribed. Wing’s feathers separated by white thread.

 Version made in the BeVo technique in the occupied Germany circa 1945-47