pre-WW2 Polish Eagle Cap Badge wz23
October 29, 2019
WW2- Polish Patriotic Enameled Eagle Badges
October 29, 2019WW2 Polish Home Army Group
1945-1970 Great Britain, Poland,
Out of stock
A medal group of a Home Army soldier, Bialystok District, Grajewo Oblast; corporal officer cadet Stefan Krzesicki “Kruk”. According to the family, he was imprisoned in the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen Nazi German Concentration Camps, where he was liberated by the Allies and remained in Great Britain. Research shows that two Stefanów Krasicki are included in the list of prisoners of concentration camps. Probably the same person, however, are incorrect information about the date of birth. The information shows that Krzesicki Stefan was detained by the Gestapo in Bialystok and imprisoned in KL Stutthof where he was a prisoner of number 33129 from March 24, 1944. The second source states that on April 15, 1945, Stefan Krzesicki was liberated from KL Bergen Belsen.
The set of decorations includes:
- Polish Cross of Valour, 1943-45 Great Britain (Variation 24 according to Grzegorz Krogulc) together with the document from 1949.
- Polish Bronze Cross of Merit with Swords, made by Mieczysław Białkiewicz in London postwar. Issued during the war by the command of the Home Army Białostocki District on November 11, 1943, a document issued in 1949.
- Polish War Medal “Medal Wojska” with three bars and a document of issue from 1970. Medal is a Spink & Son production from London, bars made by Mieczysław Białkiewicz from London.
- Polish Cross of the Home Army, made in London, along with the 1970 issue document.
- Two documents of from the Society of Former Home Army Soldiers in London.
- Polish Scout Cross
A unique set after a member of the Polish Resistance Movement who could not return to Poland.