pre-WW2/WW2 Unique Polish Memorabilia Set of 14th Jazłowiecki Lancers Regiment – General Grudziński Collection.
September 5, 2024
pre-WW2 Polish Badge 61st Infantry Regiment (Bydgoszcz) Gontarczyk
September 5, 2024pre-WW2 Polish Enameled Cross of Polish Soldiers from USA – American Version W&H Co
1921-39, Whitehead & Hoag Company, Newark USA , 50,4mm x 46,5mm
In stock
A rare luxury version of the cross of Polish Soldiers from the USA who joined the Polish Army in France under General Józef Haller. A luxury enameled version made in the USA by Whitehead & Hoag Company.
The decoration is in the form of a gilded white enameled cross with sharp ends of the arms. In the center there is an applied silver plated Polish crowned eagle. On the arms there are inscriptions (For Our Soldiers from America, Liberated Poland). Between the arms there are flames with inscriptions with names of battlefields. (Champagne, Lwów, Wołyń, Pomorze).
Flat reverse with two visible rivets. Marked below “W&H CO” for Whitehead & Hoag Company from Newark, New Jersey (USA). Original white and red ribbon with a flat pin marked with the same maker. Good condition as in photographs.